Urban weddings? what this even mean?
Today bride and grooms do not like anymore just a wedding, specially traditional one. More and more couples decide to do something more, something different. they Digg internet, wedding blogs or use their own imagination to create this special event more remarkable. As long as church weddings are stl quite popular different approaching to the ceremony is taking the wedding industry by storm. civil, humanistic, spiritual even quite often couples decide that their family member or friend is running ceremony to have it more fun and personalized. of course sometime earlier they do registered one also. But just having a ceremony different than religious one does not mean your wedding is more special than others. you need to organise something else. you need to find a place where you can have this ceremony . and here again it could be just usual building where you can tie the know or you can put extra effort and for example transform your dad hay shed for quirky ceremony place. sometimes it requires more effort sometimes less all depends on your creativity and budget of course. another option more safe for your budget is to adopt an outdoor space to create one of a kind ceremony. You can, for example, do it on the beach, on the top of the mountain, choices are endless. and again here are some examples from previous. weddings where the bride and grooms decide to do something extra and design their weddings in total different and alternative way.